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Compliance education shouldn’t leave you needing a vacation

Take your career to new heights with our engaging video training programs


Does compliance training leave you daydreaming about escaping to a tropical island? Buckle up and come fly with Comply With Me, where earning continuing education credits feels like soaring without the turbulence.

Imagine us as your seasoned co-pilots, blending compliance and legal experience with innovative design. We take those hefty laws and regulations and make them seem weightless.

You’ll wonder why all training isn’t this exhilarating. Fasten your seatbelts, grab your peanuts (or pretzels), and get ready to take-off on a flight of educational enjoyment!

What registrants hate about traditional compliance training…

“It’s like death by powerpoint!”

“People are busy, time strapped and want to just get it done, easier, streamlined – and we will pay for it! ANYTHING that will make it more interesting is worth it.” 

“I just want to do my daily work – I don’t do anything unless I absolutely have to.”


“Comply With Me saved me from the depths of compliance despair. Their hilarious approach made me forget I was drowning in rules and regulations. Now I’m swimming in knowledge and chuckles!”

– Captain Compliance

“Comply With Me turned compliance training into a captivating journey. Their unique methods and engaging content kept me hooked from start to finish. Who knew learning about regulations could be so intriguing?”

– Enthralled Learner

“Comply With Me is a game-changer in the world of compliance education. Their approach breathed life into the material, making it genuinely interesting and thought-provoking. I never thought I’d say this, but I actually looked forward to each training session!”

– Engrossed Attendee

* These testimonials are made-up to highlight the engaging and interesting nature of Comply With Me’s compliance training. The intention here is to convey that learning can be enjoyable and stimulating, while enhancing the overall experience and retention of knowledge. Even though our approach is light-hearted, it’s important to remember that compliance education should always be taken seriously.

Why Our Training Differs from “The Other Guys”






Easy to retain

Contact Us

Founded by Kerri Salata, a lawyer, ethics and compliance professional & legal design enthusiast.

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